One Year #Blogiversary!
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One year ago, I began a new journey with Jesus. A word journey.
I felt Holy Spirit calling me to turn my fitness blog into a faith blog. And so, I gladly submitted my words to Him and faithfully plucked away at the keyboard every Thursday night.
It blows my mind to know that my posts have reached so far and so many.
It is super humbling and slightly scary, actually. I don’t take His calling lightly and I feel a deep sense of responsibility to properly introduce my readers to Jesus.
Over the last few months, I’ve been whispering things to Jesus like, “I think I’m almost out of words…” and “I don’t think I have anything left to say…”
I wondered if I’d continue blogging after I hit my one year anniversary, but I’ve kept my ears and my heart open, listening for His answer.
And of course He answered because that’s what He does! If we seek Him, we’ll find Him. He’s such a good Father.
This weekend He answered me in the most beautiful way and I’m overjoyed to share it with you!
To fully explain how He answered me, I have to back up to August 4th when I received a prophetic word from guest speaker Hubie Synn. In the word he gave me, the Father comforted me in three specific areas I’d been praying about. Over a year ago, Holy Spirit told me that He was preparing me for something. I’ve been asking Him what it is and He’s just confirmed in my spirit that I don’t need all of the details right now.
The Father spoke through Hubie and said,
“He wants you to know He’s interested in everything that goes on in here and here (pointing to head and heart.) You have a lot of ideas floating around in your head and you’re very creative all the time. And it gets to the point sometimes where you’re not sure what to do with it or how to filter it. You can’t see clearly sometimes and it comes out of nowhere. It keeps you up at night. He wants you to know that it’s ok. He knows you’ve been like this since you were young. God wants you to know that that’s the way He created you. You have a very high calling on your life. And you’re not really sure how to get there or what to do, but He wants you to know that’s coming down later. He doesn’t want you working towards it. He wants you one step at a time. He wants you just to go day, by day, by day. Not, ‘I gotta become this and this…’ because you put too much pressure on yourself or do everything yourself. He just wants you to learn to hold His hand and go step by step because He wants you to learn through the process. It’s more of the process than the finished product. You look at the finished instead of how to get there. He wants you to know that it’s how you get there is really what’s going to take you places. Your creative thing is really gonna start being more filtered because you look at something and see what it can be or what it was. You have all of this going on in here and He wants you to know there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just that you’re different. He wants to make that very loud and clear. He wants you to know you’re very creative and a visionary and you discern it all at the same time. If you just take it step by step and be patient, you’ll start to see Him move you forward again cause you feel like you’ve been stuck for a long time. You’ve been confused and wondered if God speaks to you. You’re very extreme sometimes. He wants you to know that He IS talking to you. Just relax and know that if something looks like Him, it may not be Him. He wants to work on you listening and hearing Him instead of just saying, ‘Oh, this door opened, so it must be God.’ He wants you to learn from that. He wants you to know you’re in a very good place. It doesn’t feel like it, but you’re in a good place. You’re calm, you’re peaceful, but you just want to get going. Don’t pressure yourself like you do. He’s taking it step by step. Just be peaceful and know you’re exactly where He wants you to be. Even though nothing’s really happening, it’s okay to sit. When you sit, you’re concentrating on Him a little more and that’s what He wants. You feel like you’re falling behind, but He wants you to know that it’s all good. You feel like you’re not doing enough, but He wants you to relax. He’s the one leading you, not you saying, ‘come follow me,’ cause you kind of do that too. Let Him lead and it’ll be a lot easier, quicker, and less stressful cause you really want to reduce that in your life. He has you and He’s taking very good care of you.”
During the Moms in the Making conference last weekend, I received a prophetic card from the girls over at I Am Fruitful. I was a blubbering MESS after reading just the first line of the card. The Father literally answered the cry of my heart word-for-word.
My prayers for months had been, “I think I’m almost out of words…” and “I don’t think I have anything left to say…” AND THIS WAS THE CARD I RECEIVED!! I mean…come on!
“God wants to be your words. When you feel you have nothing left to say, or even run out of prayers to pray. He says, ‘Let me help you. I am more than enough. You don’t have to be everything and I desire to be your safe, resting place. Keep coming to me for words. Let it be the lamp to your feet.’ (Psalm 119:105) ‘And I will add strength to this promise.’”
I had also received a prophetic card in April grounded in Psalm 119, so this was even more special to me on another level. Basically, I was a hot mess reading this card, but in the best way.
Prophecy is such a beautiful thing.
It felt like a kiss on the cheek and the tightest hug from God Himself. He sees me, hears me, knows me, and loves me.
With all that said, I will let HIM be my words. I will keep coming to Him for words. So, I guess I’ll still be hanging out in this little blog space until He tells me differently.
Thank you SO much to those of you who have taken the time to read the words I’ve poured out onto the pages of this blog.
I know my posts are loooooooong compared to the average blogger. “Experts” say your post should hover around 800-1200 words, and mine usually exceed 3500.
So, thank you to my faithful readers who come back week after week. Thank you for sharing the posts that resonate with you.
My goal is and always has been to reach the ONE woman who needs to better understand the revelation of who and whose she is.
Be sure to check out the giveaway I’m hosting on Instagram in the note below!
Insta Giveaway!
In celebration of my FIRST Blogiversary, I’m hosting my FIRST giveaway! Yay! Check out the post on Instagram HERE for more info and to enter. Hurry, though - there are only two more days to enter! Giveaway will close at 4 PM (CT) on Saturday, October 19th!
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